The last few years have certainly been challenging for private landlords in Scotland. From eviction bans, to the increased Additional Dwelling Supplement and now the introduction of rent caps, it may feel like the changes are never ending.
Thorntons’ housing law specialists, Gillian Buchanan, Sarah Cooper and Calvin Gordon hosted a short webinar and Q&A to help support landlords through the changes in legislation and some of the challenges you may face as a result.
This webinar covered:
- A summary of the new grounds of eviction introduced by the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection)(Scotland) Act 2022 and thoughts on how these might be established before the First-tier tribunal Housing & Property Chamber.
- Following recent media focus, a discussion of a landlord’s responsibilities relating to damp and condensation within properties, providing practical advice on mitigating claims which may arise, and giving an overview on how the cost of living crisis may impact upon the landlord’s legal responsibilities.
- Reducing a tenancy agreement entered into only due to the fraudulent misrepresentations of a tenant.
If you have questions about landlords responsibilities, eviction bans or tenancy agreements, please contact Gillian on 03330 430350.
Broadcast: 18 May 2023. The content in this webinar, guidance and advice provided by the hosts, is correct at the time of broadcast. If you are watching a recording after the broadcast date please contact us for the most up to date guidance and advice on this topic.