September is Suicide Prevention Month and the 10th of September is now recognised internationally as annual World Suicide Prevention Day. The charity Mind reported that the World Health Organisation estimates over 800,000 people die by suicide every year (which equates to one person every 40 seconds). These figures do not even include those who attempt suicide, which is thought to be up to 25 times as many people again. These are shocking statistics which many charities, organisations and individuals are seeking to reduce.
This year, World Suicide Prevention Day aims to promote the role of support in combating suicide. At Thorntons we understand that suicide can affect anyone - whether you yourself have struggled with suicidal thoughts, or you know someone who has – we want to encourage any individuals who are affected by suicide, directly or indirectly, to seek the support that they need.
There are a number of charities and organisations who provide support and assistance to both individuals who feel suicidal but also to family or friends who have been affected by suicide. The Mind website ( has lots of information on how you can spot suicidal warnings and help those affected, as well as details of their infoline which is available for anyone to call and receive help and advice. If you have suffered a loss and need to talk to somebody, the charity Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland also offers help and support throughout Scotland. Their website ( provides lots of information and support, as well as details on how you can arrange to meet with someone to talk things through.
As one blogger on the Mind website put it, “No matter how dark it may seem, how hopeless and lost you feel, there will always be someone who can help, so reach out, tell someone and never feel alone.”
The campaign has been hugely successful in raising awareness this month but this is clearly an issue that we should bear in mind all year round.
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