Every year on 14 June we celebrate World Blood Donor Day. This is an event championed by the World Health Organisation and designed to recognise and thank the volunteers who give up their time (and blood!) for such a great cause. It also serves to raise awareness of the need for blood donation across the world and to try to encourage those who have not yet donated to get involved. They campaign under the ‘Share Life, Give Blood’ slogan in recognition of the very real connection between the two.
At Thorntons we are fortunate that our Partners and Directors realise the importance of blood donation and offer in-house sessions twice a year to allow colleagues to donate quickly and conveniently during the working day. Personally, I have been on both sides of the blood donation experience. I was fortunate to attend one of our in-house sessions and make my first ever donation which I was very proud to do. Little did I know that only a few months later I’d have fallen ill and would need several blood transfusions to help me through three surgeries within five days. Unfortunately, I can no longer donate blood myself but, having been a grateful recipient, I am well aware that blood donation played a part in saving my life.
Equally, as a Personal Injury Solicitor, I often see clients who have had to be admitted to hospital and who may need to have surgery following their involvement in an accident, whether it is an emergency admission at the time or planned for a later date. If limited, or even worse, no blood was available then surgeries might not be able to take place as scheduled or as quickly in an emergency situation. Lives would inevitably be put at risk and in some cases lost as a result. It is for that reason that blood donation is so important and really does save lives.
In Scotland, the aim is to have at least six days’ worth of blood available for each blood type but, unfortunately, that isn’t always possible. As at 12 June 2019 there is only 3 days’ worth of A+ blood and yet it is the second most common blood type across the Scottish population with 28.8% having an A+ blood type. By contrast, there is 9 days’ worth of AB- blood available to help the 0.6% of the population with that blood type.
Whilst there are some restrictions as to who can give blood at all based on age, weight or pre-existing medical conditions, there are also a few restrictions that can be temporary depending on how long it has been since you’ve travelled abroad, had a tattoo or if you’re pregnant. Those who are eligible to give blood can choose to do so as often as every 12 weeks and regular donation can help to prevent blood levels slipping to a risky level. Even if you aren’t a regular donor, with the blood stock levels updated daily online you can easily check the stock of your blood group and arrange to donate when your blood is most needed.
Ultimately if you can donate then please do, you really could save someone’s life whether that be a family member, a friend or a total stranger. And of course, you get a nice biscuit (or two!) after you’ve donated.
More information about the eligibility criteria and local donation sessions can be found at www.ScotBlood.co.uk in Scotland or at www.blood.co.uk in England.