
Thorntons is updating local business people at its latest seminar following the advent of new legislation and increasing demands on both landlords and letting agents.
The free Business Briefing, taking place in St Andrews and Dundee, will reiterate the current landlord law and highlight forthcoming changes, encouraging better preparation.
Some of the topics covered will include a summary of simple new procedure rules, updates on tenancy reforms, abolition of the Wear and Tear Allowance, and changes to rent and room relief.
David Morrison, Chartered tax accountant from EQ Accountants, will also be on hand to offer advice on restrictions on borrowing costs, tax planning options and landlord implications for the heightened digitisation of taxation.
Gillian Buchanan, partner at Thorntons, said: “We launched a series of breakfast presentations for private landlords earlier this year and they proved very popular, so we are delighted to offer an updated seminar.
“With the sector facing a raft of new legislation, the potential for landlords getting into difficulties is greater than ever. Our sessions aim to ensure local private landlords are equipped to offer the best business they can.”
Thorntons’ Business Briefing seminars will take place on Tuesday 25 October at the firm’s Dundee office and on Thursday 27 October at Old Course Hotel, St Andrew from 9am.
There are a limited number of places available - for full details of the seminars and to book a space in advance, please visit www.thorntons-law.co.uk/events
Categories: Firm News