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Injured on a bus – what should I do?

Injured on a bus – what should I do?

A question I am often asked is “What do I do after being injured on a bus?” I will try to give you some key pointers if you are unfortunately injured whilst travelling on a bus or coach.

Travelling by public transport, such as bus or coach can often be convenient and easy but carries with it the additional risk that you are not in control of the vehicle. Common causes of bus accidents include the driver driving or braking recklessly or the bus colliding with another vehicle. Many public transport vehicles are not fitted with seatbelts and this can result in serious injuries to their passengers if they are involved in an accident.

Report the Accident

It’s important that your accident is reported, ideally to the bus company but at the very least you should report your accident to the bus driver or any conductor on board. Obtain details of the person to whom the accident is reported – their name and a description of their appearance. If the police attend they will most likely note your details and if they don’t approach you make them aware that you’ve been injured. Often symptoms of whiplash will take several hours to develop. If you’re been involved in an accident and later develop symptoms you should contact the bus company at their depot or head office. Advise them of the bus on which you were travelling, including –

  • the bus company;
  • the bus number
  • the bus driver’s details, if known; and if at all possible
  • the registration number of the vehicle.

If another vehicle was involved or you believe may have caused the accident then note down their details too.  If you have a camera phone to hand, take photographs of the scene including of any vehicle registration plates.

Note Witness Details

Get contact details – name and contact numbers – for any witnesses to the accident. We will always want to speak with any potential witnesses to the accident so as much information as you can get is really helpful.

Keep Evidence of Your Journey

Keep hold of any travel documentation, such as your bus ticket, as you will almost certainly be asked to produce this by the bus company’s insurers or representatives. If you don’t have a ticket, for example if you use a season ticket or pass, then try and obtain whatever information you can to show you were travelling on the bus – the bus number, the route you took, the bus stop where you boarded. Often buses are equipped with CCTV and this can be requested from the bus company at the start of your claim.

Seek Medical Attention for Injuries

As with any claim, we would always encourage you to obtain appropriate medical advice and treatment for your injuries.

If you have suffered an injury after having an accident on a bus or public transport in Scotland, please contact Stephanie Watson on 0131 297 5988 or Alternatively, for more information click here or contact our specialist Personal Injury Team on 0800 731 8434 who will be pleased to assist further.

About the author

Stephanie Watson
Stephanie Watson

Stephanie Watson

Legal Director

Personal Injury

For more information, contact Stephanie Watson or any member of the Personal Injury team on +44 131 297 5988.